
Department of Tibetan Traditional Painting
Department of Traditional Tibetan Painting offers U.G and P.G courses on Traditional Tibetan Painting that includes training in both Thanka and wall mural paintings. The courses include subjects such as iconography, iconometry and chromatics of Traditional Tibetan Painting, which are deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy. Courses also include classes on Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art as well as the Global History of Art with a sub-category of the History of Buddhist Art and Tibetan and English Languages.
- UG Shastri (B.F.A.)
PG Acharya (M.F.A.)
- U.G Shastri (BA) in Traditional Tibetan Painting :
- P.G Acharya (MA) in Traditional Tibetan Painting:
- After completion of the course, the students will be able to analyze historical styles and visual art traditions. They are capable to develop a cultural understanding of the critical and analytical thinking.
- They gain the first-hand knowledge of the comparative framework after analyzing various Eastern-Western trends and movements.
- They are also trained to understand the value of endangered art forms, hence capable to revive Tibetan Art forms.
- The knowledge of historical evolution not only makes them better learners of the tradition but also allow them to have an in-depth knowledge of the same.The philosophy evoke the best in them, consequently, making them better creative artists.
- The practical and hand-on learning provide them enough opportunities to see the theory being converted and used into practice.
- They are also trained to understand and perceive different forms of material used in the process, let it be painting or wood carving.
- The knowledge of the languages like Tibetan and English furnish them further with linguistic competency with historical and cultural contexts in which various texts are located.
- After completion of the course the students will be able to seek further opportunities in the fields of teaching, art, curating, guiding etc. The students emerge out to be great independent artists.