Preserving the ancient tradition of Nalanda, the Institute has preserved the art of Nalanda style of debate along with the annual Kanthastha Pariksha. The Institute seeks to provide an education that prepares the student for both the challenges and opportunities presented by the modern world. While inculcating a continuity of traditional knowledge and values, the curriculum includes both the traditional units of ethics and values, the tradition of Shastrartha along with the modern subjects like Economics, Political Science, English, and Computer Science, and B.A. B.Ed. The well-structured course and programme outcomes are also designed. The Institute regularly organizes special training programmes, camps, conferences and seminars not only for the students but for the faculty members as well.
Since the inception of the Institute, the lineage of Directors and Vice-Chancellors has the tradition of leadership vis a vis great lumainaries like venerable Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Kyabje Samdhong Rinpoche, Prof. Ngawang Samten, Prof. Lobsang Norbu Shastri and Prof. Wangchuk Dorje Negi.