The ICT related works and activities of library and Institute is being taken by the section. Earlier (i.e. from 1997 to 2006), the Computer Section was also involved in organizing computer orientation / training courses for the students as well as academic and administrative staff members of the Institute. Till May 2006, the Computer Section has successfully provided basic training to use computers and other ICT tools to 348 participants. From the academic session 2006-2007, the section has started the “CCA (Certificate of Computer Application) / DCA (Diploma of Computer Application)” course for the students of the Institute. The students from U. M. first year may avail the opportunity to pursue the aforesaid course. The course is running along with the regular studies of the students starting from U.M. first year. The course runs through one academic session consisting of two semesters. Total four modules of the course with computer practical are to be completed. On successful completion of two modules, which is being covered in two years, students will be awarded CCA certificate (in case not opting for DCA or fail to complete all the four modules) and on successful completion of all four modules, which is being covered in four years, students will be awarded DCA certificate. The Computer Section of the library comprises three rooms: a server room and two rooms for conducting the computer classes and to provide the Internet & other computer related facilities to students as well as entitled members.
- Computer Services
Different departments and sections of the Institute are well connected to each other via fiber-optic cable, and internal networking of department and sections have also been completed to access library resources and Internet. Institute is having the GBPS Internet connectivity under NKN/NME-ICT (National Knowledge Network/National Mission for Education through ICT) of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi via BSNL.
- Services Offered
- Training, orientation, consultancy and troubleshooting relating to use, maintenance and procurement of ICT equipments.
- Management of Internet connectivity, and providing internet access to library members and other entitled users.
- Management of campus network.
- Management of SLIM Library software and library database.
- Conducting CCA and DCA courses for the students of the Institute
- Forms: