
Periodical section collects and manages the Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters, Bulletins, Reports Seminar proceedings etc. All these documents contain the latest information on current developments of a branch of knowledge. The library is making every effort to procure the maximum journals on Buddhist studies, Tibetan studies and allied subjects to facilitate the teaching and researches of the University. Section also procure and manage the current newspapers and general magazines.
The section has also compiled and regularly updating the article index of the academic periodicals. This index is searchable through the Library OPAC. At presents it has approximately 20000 article records.
The Periodical section of the Shantarakshita Library is having the following important journals, bulletins, newsletters and newspapers in it’s holding.
- Adyar Library Bulletin
- Akshra (Hindi)
- Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
- To manage health and clinical facilities for students.
- To organise extra-curricular events such as debate, lecture and sports.
- Buddhist Christian Studies
- Buddhist Studies Review
- Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute
- Bulletin of Tibetology
- China Report
- Chintansrijan (Hindi)
- Contemporary Buddhism
- Dastavej
- DESIDOC Bulletin
- Dharma World
- Dreloma
- East & West
- Gang-ri-lang-tso (Eng.)
- Gang-ri-lang-tso (Tib.)
- Hans(Hindi)
- Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
- Himalayan And Central Asian Studies
- Hwakang Buddhist Journal
- IASLIC Bulletin
- ILA Bulletin
- India International Journal of Buddhist Studies
- Indian Horizon
- Indian Journal of Training and Development
- Indian Philosophy Quarterly
- Indo-Iranian Journal
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
- Journal of Indian Council for Philosophical Research
- Journal of Dharma
- Journal of Indian Philosophy
- To organise extra-curricular events such as debate, lecture and sports.
- Journal of Oriental Research, Madras
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
- Kathadesh (Hindi)
- Journal of the International College for Advance Buddhist Studies
- Kathakaram (Hindi)
- Nayagyanodiya (Hindi)
- Pahal (Hindi)
- Philosophy East & West
- Praci-Jyoti
- Purnatrayi
- Rangzen (Eng.)
- Rangzen (Tib.)
- Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science
- Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science
- Sahitiyaamrit (Hindi)
- Samskrit Sandhana (Bi-Lingual)
- Sheja (Tib.)
- Tibet Desh (Hindi)
- Tibet Journal
- Tibetan Review
- Tricycle: A Buddhist Review
- Worldwatch Magazine
- Zygon
Reference section manages about 3000 reference documents including, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Geographical sources, Year books, Directories, Biographical Directories, Handbooks and Manuals Catalogues & Bibliographies. The section has compiled an index of special articles published in the Britannica Book of the Year. This index can be accessed with the library database.
Based on the above collection and using Internet, Reference section is providing reference and referral services to the library users. The section performs necessary functions to help the users including providing various information service on demand and in anticipation, providing instructions for use of library, organizing orientation programs for the new students, selection of effective reference tools, organization of reference materials.