- སློབ་སྤྱི་གཞོན་པ།
- Office of The VC |
- Ven. Prof. (Dr.) Wangchuk Dorjee Negi
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies,
Sarnath, Varanasi, Pin – 221007
Tel: +542-2585242, Fax: +542-2585150
Email: vcoffice@cihts.ac.in
Date of Joining : 12th April, 2024
Prof. Negi was the Vice Chancellor (Addl. Charge) of CIHTS, Sarnath from 2-12-2021 to 12-04-2022; 13-04-2023 to 03-12-2023 and the Director of Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh, Ladakh from 2010 to 2015. As a Visiting Professor under Exchange Programs, he has taught at University of Tasmania, Australia and Smith College & Hampshire College, MA, USA. He has also visited as a Research Guide at Taisho University, Japan and as a Visiting Faculty for the Survey of Sanskrit Buddhist Manuscripts in Okayama, Japan. Prof. Negi has represented India (Nominated by Govt. of India) in SAARC Regional & Cultural Seminar in Sri Lanka and ICCR Seminar in Cambodia. Additionally, in the capacities of Resource Person and Dharma Teacher, he has visited Universities and Dharma Centers in Chile, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Burma.
As their Indian Advisor, he has guided several Fulbright Research Scholars from USA, Europe etc. though USIEF & AIIS, New Delhi. He has got several books to his credit which includes What is Buddhism (English, 2016) (also translated into Spanish and Chinese), Commentary on Dhammapada (Hindi, 2010) (also translated into Tibetan 2014 and Bengali 2012); Commentary on Dhammapadain the Context of Modern Time (English, 2013); Vajrayana Darshan Evam Sadhana (Hindi, 1998); Vajrayana Darshan Mimansa (Sanskrit, 2009); Prajnaparamita-Hrdaya-Sutra-Sputartha-Bhashya – Commentary on Heart Sutra (Hindi, 2019); translated & edited works in Hindi/Sanskrit; and several papers/chapters published in various journals and anthologies.
- Kamalashil Bhavan
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Sarnath,
Varanasi – 221007 Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Tel: 0542-2585242, 2586337, 2581737 Fax: 0542-2585150
Email: vcoffice@cihts.ac.in

- Shri Tenzin Sidon
Steno typist P.A. to V.C.
Ph- 9415695521
Email- tsidon@cihts.ac.in

- Shri Deepanker
Steno typist P.A. to V.C.
Ph- 9415600692, 0542-2585148
Email- deepankar@cihts.ac.in

- Choenga Tsering
Ph- 7752972641
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