


CIHTS has two Health centers and a huge medical college and hospital. One is allopathic withall the facilities of a primary health care center, and the other is founded on the principles of traditional Tibetan medicine called Sowa-Rigpa. The allopathic health care center has award of four beds located in the Padmasambhava Boys’Hostel. It has a physician, dispensary and supporting staff to provide primary health care services and to refer critical patients. The Sowa-Rigpa faculty of Tibetan medicine runs an outpatient department for consultation anda dispensary, which provides Tibetan medicine that is formulated in the dedicated on-sitepharmacy

contact us:

Acharya In-charge

Ph- 94528 22023

Email- dorjeed.acd@cihts.ac.in

SWA Medical In-charge

Ph- 7459826703

Email- tseringtashi2019@gmail.com
