stack section
General stack section, holding the issuable document collection of the library is spread over two floors. About 75000 documents in English and Hindi languages are being managed by the stack section of the library. The section follows the Colon Classification 6th edition for subject wise stacking of the documents.
- The first floor stack holds the documents of following subjects.
Printed documents of all other subjects are stacked in the ground floor stack of the library. The Ground Floor stack also manages some non-issuable special collections namely Prof. L. M. Joshi collection, Prof. Jagannanth collection, Prof. Krishnanath collection and Prof. Ramshankar Tripathi collection. Reading rooms of 32 seating capacity (16 each) are attached with both stacks for consultation and reading. The section follows the open access system for document access, but junior students are advised to bring the bibliographical details and classification number of the documents from the library OPAC (if they have precise requirement).