The acquisition and technical processing section of the library is responsible for the acquisition and technical processing of the information resource, acquired in accordance to the acquisition policy of the library and requisitions of learned faculty members. Section also receives books on approval from different suppliers and organizes meetings of the books selection committee to get the purchase recommendations.
The library follows Colon Classification 6th ed. for the subject classification of printed documents and AACR-2 for cataloguing of the documents.
- Brief of the Acquisition Policy indicating the subject interest of the library is as hereunder:
- All types of documents in Tibetan language in any subject irrespective of forms.
- Documents in any language dealing with the subjects of Buddhology, Tibetology, Philosophy, Religion, Culture, Sowarigpa, Bhot Jyotish, Fine Arts, Education, History, Geography, Arts, Anthropology and allied subjects having direct bearing on Tibetology and Buddhology.
- Documents of English, Hindi and related languages on the subjects of Himalayan Studies, Indology, Mongolian Studies, Sinology.
- Documents of Sanskrit language and literature.
- Important Reference materials and popular books.
- Documents relating to Library and Information Science.
- Academic Course materials to support the curriculum of the institute.
The Technical Section of the Shantarakshita Library is responsible for the technical processing of printed and non-print documents. The library follows Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s Colon Classification, 6th edition, for subject classification of the printed documents and AACR-2, 1978 for cataloguing of all type of documents using SLIM software for library database management and house keeping operations. The multi-lingual Library database having bibliographical details in Tibetan, Devanagari and Roman Scripts, is accessible from any computer node of the Institute’s network and also from Institute website.
- Enrich the library Collections as per Collection Development Policy and as recommended by scholars of the Institute.
- On Demand, Expeditious Acquisition of Documents.
- On Demand, Expeditious Technical Processing of Document/s.
- Weekly Display of New Arrivals.
- Help to Locate Unclassified Documents.
- Inflibnet Project
The Library is the active member of the INFLIBNET Centre of the University Grant Commission, New Delhi and using the e-resources provided by the UGC under INFONET project. INFLIBNET has trained four senior library professionals of the library on use of computers in library and library automation. Periodical section is regularly contributing the list of currently subscribed periodical to Union Database of periodicals managed by INFLIBNET.
Bibliographical Records of 50,000 documents have been contributed in the union database of books maintained by the INFLIBNET. The complete Bibliographical Records of Ph.D. thesis submitted in the Institute have been submitted in union database of thesis maintained by the INFLIBNET