Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
(Deemed to be University) Sarnath, Varanasi - 221007 (U.P.) India
Maintenance Wing
The Maintenance Wing was established in the year 1967 in the Institute for the welfare of Students & staffs respectively. Maintenance Wing is directly under the control of Registrar. The prime objective of maintenance wing is to effusively redress each and every complaint of the applicant within the short frame of time. The Maintenance wing is comprehensive organization which is intensely associated with the welfare and satisfaction of students and the staff residing in the Township area. The watchword of the Maintenance is to serve people without discrimination of status & position they are holding in the Institute. Apart from official activities we the Maintenance Wing staffs we the MW Staff unconditionally help each other in the hour of needs which, ignites the flame of positive inspiration for the advancement of good working culture.
One of the most important hallmarks of CIHTS campus is its ambience and cleanliness. To ensure the timely execution of the work related with hygiene and sanitation, electricity and water, horticulture and overall cleanliness of the whole campus, a separate maintenance wing was established in 1978. The Maintenance Wing, with its autonomous structure, falls under the direct control of the Registrar of the Institute. The main objective of the wing is to ensure the overall welfare of the staff members and the students of the campus. The wing provides various services like hygiene and sanitation, maintenance of electricity and water, guest house allotment, civil and electricity maintenance, planting of various seasonal plants and flowers on the campus. The wing also has the policy and mechanism for annual auditing of the assets of the Institute, to frame the annual maintenance contracts etc. The active staff members in the wing ensure to resolve every complaint received from any stakeholder of the institute.
A special autonomous unit of the Maintenance Wing by the name Sanitation and Allied Services (SAS) has been set up by the Institute to ensure the fair distribution of workload among the workers. The unit also takes care of the hygiene and sanitation in every building and keeps a monitoring system intact. The Maintenance Wing also overlooks the execution of the dead assets policy, policy of the auction, and e-waste policy.