Social Impact of CIHTS : Transforming the Lives
The role of a university is more than imparting mere higher education to the society; a university is also responsible for taking care of the larger humanity. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi understands its role and responsibility to help the needy with all its capacity. The Institute’s vision is not limited to imparting knowledge only but the development of the nearby area and creating a sense of social responsibility among all the stakeholders is also quintessential. Considering this sense of responsibility, CIHTS has taken the lead role in transforming the vicinity in social, economic, and cultural milieu. At CIHTS, we understand the value of philanthropic work which is reflected in various altruistic activities impacting deeply the nearby areas. We don’t stop at provision of education only but also deliver groundbreaking research, encourage diversity, organize various awareness programmes, Nukkad nataks, rallies, and have adopted a couple of villages with a promise to transform the lives of the inhabitants there. The life of the local community has metamorphised with the development and growth of the Institute.
Various Humanitarian Drives
CIHTS has various drives like cleanliness, bicycle rallies, tree plantations, legal awareness camps, etc. The students at the Institute take the responsibility to organize monthly educational camps in various areas of Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh and other Himalayan regions. Moreover, they also distribute the free stationary items to the needy students and help other Institutes as well.
Helping Hand during the time of Crisis
Students and Faculty members built entire villages during Tsunami and Koshi Flood Relief Camps . The Institute has formed the SWA, SSC, VSSC, Nirvana Student group to address the needs of the poorest local Indian communities.
Adopted Villages
Considering the social responsibility as a vital element of CIHTS’ fabric, the Institute has adopted two entire villages – Paterwan, Bhisori and transformed them totally. The Institute has deeply metamorphized the living standards of both the villages by providing them the resources for drinking water, hygiene and sanitation, tree plantation, free distribution of ration, stationary items, books and other basic necessities.
Bolstering with Economical Support
Understanding the role of the university towards social welfare and responsibility, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath raised a handsome donation contributed by the faculty members, officials, the staff and the students along with drives to distribute food, water, footwear for the migrant workers.
Writing a New Rhetoric of Humanitarian Venture
The agony and the pain of the migrant workers and villagers during COVID – 19 were immediately felt by a responsible institute like CIHTS, and its Vice – Chancellor quickly acted to ease the misery of the villagers near and around the campus.
CIHTS Corona Warriors
During COVID – 19, CIHTS took a lead role to heal and manage the chaos ensued by the pandemic. Various philanthropic activities like distribution of ration, medicines, blankets were organized.

Serving the Nation in Every Possible Way
Understanding its responsibility, Institute also contributed the amount of five lakh rupees collecting it from one day’s salary of all its employees.

Teaching the Lesson of Self - Reliance
The proper cleaning and maintenance of the washrooms, sweeping the roads and lawns, watering of the plants, maintenance of its lush – green gardens and the thorough sanitization of the Institute was done with the help of the stu dents and the support of the limited residential staff members on the campus.

New Phase of Digital Learning
Faculty members used the ZOOM, MS – Meet, Google Class and other such ICT tools for online tea ching. Keeping in view the need of the hour, the futuristic Institute officially subscribed the Cisco Webex application for 60 days with a complimentary subscription. Now the faculty members are using the Cisco Webex application for online classes.

Exploring the Creative and Positive Edge
To creatively involve the students residing on campus, an exhibition of Tibetan Calligraphy and Painting was organised on the birthday of H. E. Panchen Lama on 25th May 2020. Many students enthusiastically participated in the exhibition with their paintings and Tibetan calligraphy articles.

Sowa - Rigpa’s Medical Innovation: A Fusion of Tradition with Modernity
Sowa-Rigpa, which is a research-based medical wing of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, prepared a khada-a mixture of traditional herbal ingredients as an immunity boosterto be used as tea and prepared powder of powerful traditional herbs for fumigation to purifythe air.
The Saga of Wishful Thinking and Help Continues
Whether it is the issue of healthy sustainable development, cleanliness drive, awareness programs, pure environment, CIHTS has always been at the forefront under his guidance and zest.